Creating a VertiPort in Central Florida

The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority is in the discovery phase of building infrastructure that will house and support Advanced Air Mobility at the Orlando International Airport. The project is gargantuan, imagine building a new airport from scratch, and how complex with the hundreds of regulatory, financial, transportation, and user organizations, not to mention millions of customers needed to bring an operating VertiPort to full operation. Such a facility will support the eVTOL (Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) manned and unmanned aviation sector. Whether for passengers or cargo, the system requires thousands of moving, integrated parts.

Before getting into more detail let’s talk about Orlando International Airport.

  • The busiest airport in Florida
  • 4th largest US airport by landmass
  • World’s largest rental car market
  • 1st US Airport with high-speed rail service – Brightline
  • 9th Busiest US Airport
  • $41.4 Billion Local Economic Impact
  • $13.0 Billion Payroll
  • 309,918 Jobs supported
  • 11th highest domestic service in the US
  • 105 destinations with 13 airlines
  • 12th highest international service
  • 51 destinations with 25 airlines
    • Greater Orland Aviation Authority – AAM Industry Day 12.5.2023

Clearly, the GOAA wants to be the leader in the advanced development of mobility. “This is not just an Air Taxi,” says MC Jacques Coulon, AICP Manager of Orlando Mobility Innovation. Today’s Industry Day is a “feeling-out session with industry, local, and airport decision-makers. The steering committees have met” says Coulon. He also stated that conversations on all levels and areas are ongoing.

Everyone agreed that educational institutions will play a key role in this development. In Central Florida, we have the University of Central Florida which has one of the largest Aerospace programs in the world, and Embry Riddle Aeronautics University. Dr. Adan Vela, Associate Professor, UCF adds that “AUV needs to be added to the mix of traditional modes of transportation”. Their resources are fresh and new.

Advancing Air Mobility (AAM) facilities and development discovery involves a complex series of steps that require collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, private companies, education/researchers, and the public. Here is a general overview of the key steps involved:

  1. Define the vision and goals for AAM:
  • Identify the desired outcomes and objectives for AAM, such as reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality, and providing faster and more efficient transportation options.
  • Develop a roadmap for achieving these goals, outlining the specific steps and milestones that need to be accomplished.
  • Gather public input and support to ensure that AAM development is aligned with the needs and desires of the community.
  1. Develop the necessary technologies:
  • Research and development of eVTOL aircraft, drones, and other AAM technologies need to be prioritized.
  • Focus on improving the safety, reliability, and efficiency of these technologies.
  • Develop standards and regulations for the certification and operation of AAM vehicles.
  1. Invest in infrastructure development:
  • Build vertiports and other infrastructure needed to support the operation of AAM vehicles.
  • Develop air traffic management systems for safely integrating AAM vehicles into existing airspace.
  • Invest in research and development of new technologies for infrastructure development, such as advanced materials and construction techniques.
  1. Address regulatory and policy issues:
  • Develop and implement regulations for the safe operation of AAM vehicles.
  • Address concerns about noise, emissions, and safety.
  • Work with stakeholders to develop policies that encourage the adoption of AAM.
  1. Build public awareness and support:
  • Educate the public about the benefits of AAM.
  • Address public concerns about safety, noise, and privacy.
  • Build public support for AAM development and deployment.
  1. Foster innovation and collaboration:
  • Encourage the development of new AAM technologies and solutions.
  • Support collaboration between government agencies, private companies, researchers, and the public.
  • Create an environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship in the AAM industry.
  1. Monitor and evaluate progress:
  • Track the progress of AAM development and deployment.
  • Monitor the impact of AAM on the environment, economy, and society.
  • Make adjustments to the AAM development plan as needed.
  1. Ensure long-term sustainability:
  • Develop a long-term plan for financing and supporting AAM development and deployment.
  • Develop strategies for ensuring the sustainability of the AAM industry.
  • Work towards creating a future where AAM is a safe, reliable, and sustainable form of transportation.
  • It’s important to note that this is a general overview, and the specific steps involved in advancing AAM facilities and development discovery will vary depending on the specific context and needs of each region or community.

The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority is taking a holistic approach bringing strong thinkers that demonstrate commitment, honesty, professionalism, tolerance, motivation, resourcefulness, focus, foresight, and innovation to the discussion. They are looking at air mobility from Orlando to the World, with civilian and military applications, environmentally sound and sustainable, with people and their input and safety being the top targets. “We are not in this to be the first VertiPort, we want to the the leader”.

A holistic approach to eVTOL is an approach to the development, deployment, and operation of eVTOL aircraft that takes into account all of the factors that can affect the success of this new technology. This includes the following:

  • Technology development: The development of eVTOL aircraft is a complex challenge that requires a deep understanding of aerodynamics, propulsion, and control systems. A holistic approach to technology development will ensure that all of these factors are considered and that the resulting aircraft are safe, reliable, and efficient.
  • Infrastructure development: eVTOL aircraft will require new infrastructure to support their operation, such as vertiports and air traffic management systems. A holistic approach to infrastructure development will ensure that the necessary infrastructure is in place in time for the deployment of eVTOL aircraft.
  • Regulatory development: New regulations will need to be developed to govern the operation of eVTOL aircraft. A holistic approach to regulatory development will ensure that the regulations are fair, effective, and based on sound scientific principles.
  • Public acceptance: The public will need to be comfortable with the idea of eVTOL aircraft before they can be widely adopted. A holistic approach to public acceptance will involve education, outreach, and community engagement.
  • Economic viability: eVTOL aircraft must be economically viable to be successful. A holistic approach to economic viability will consider the cost of developing, deploying, and operating eVTOL aircraft, as well as the potential revenue that can be generated from their use.
  • By taking a holistic approach to eVTOL, we can increase the chances of this new technology reaching its full potential and revolutionizing transportation.

Here are some specific examples of how a holistic approach to eVTOL is being implemented:

  • Joby Aviation is working with partners to develop a network of vertiports in major cities around the world.
  • Lilium is collaborating with air traffic management authorities to develop new procedures for the safe operation of eVTOL aircraft.
  • Archer Aviation is working with regulators to develop new certification standards for eVTOL aircraft.
  • Vertical Aerospace is conducting public outreach campaigns to educate the public about the benefits of eVTOL aircraft.
  • Wisk Aero is developing a business model that will make eVTOL aircraft affordable and accessible to a wide range of users.

These are just a few examples of the many ways in which companies and organizations are taking a holistic approach to eVTOL. By working together, we can ensure that this new technology has a positive impact on our lives.

Now, is there a market for this technology and innovative form of transportation?

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of AAM are significant. AAM has the potential to revolutionize transportation by providing faster, more efficient, and more sustainable transportation options. It is therefore likely that AAM will become a viable outcome in the future.

Here are some examples of how AAM is being used today:

  • Urban air taxis: A number of companies are developing eVTOL aircraft that can be used as urban air taxis. These aircraft could provide a faster and more convenient way to travel around cities, particularly in congested areas.
  • Cargo delivery: Drones are being used to deliver goods to remote locations and to provide last-mile delivery services. This could help to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of transportation.
  • Emergency medical services: AAM vehicles could be used to provide emergency medical services to remote areas or to transport patients to hospitals more quickly.

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a rapidly developing field that has the potential to revolutionize transportation. AAM encompasses a variety of technologies, including electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, drones, and airships. These technologies have the potential to provide faster, more efficient, and more sustainable transportation options, particularly in congested urban areas.

There are a number of factors that suggest that AAM is a viable outcome.

  • First, there is a strong demand for new transportation solutions to address the challenges of traffic congestion, air pollution, and climate change. AAM has the potential to address these challenges by providing a faster, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly mode of transportation.
  • Second, there is significant technological progress being made in the field of AAM. eVTOL aircraft are becoming more mature and affordable, and there are a number of companies that are close to commercializing these aircraft. Additionally, there is progress being made in the development of autonomous flight systems and other technologies that are essential for AAM.
  • Third, there is a growing investment in AAM from both private and public sources. Venture capital firms have invested billions of dollars in AAM startups, and governments around the world are investing in AAM infrastructure and research.

By taking a comprehensive and collaborative approach, we can advance AAM facilities and development discovery and unlock the potential of this transformative technology.

More on eVTOL developers and vehicles in another article, but to just show an example of such a craft.

Photo: Boeing NeXT

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